After a month off for repairs to the westy (and our volvo wagon), we took advantage of the beautiful fall weather around us and headed back out onto the road to go hiking at one of our favorite local trails, Mount Tamalpais. Happily, we discovered that pets are allowed on some trails, just stay above the ranger station. And please, as a side note, if your dog poops, pick it up and pack it out, nobody likes hiking around fuzzy old poo.
A favorite city of ours when on the northern california coast is Point Reyes; it's the perfect place to stop for gas when driving to and from Mt. Tam and a great place to people watch - every Sunday about 30 plus cyclists stop at the bakery on the corner of hwy 1 for a refueling bite and a cup of coffee.
As it happens, while we were in Point Reyes this past weekend, the townspeople were celebrating Day of the Dead. While I personally do not celebrate, I do find the celebration fascinating...and not just because the colors and decorations are amazing, I like the thought of celebrating the lives of those we've lost.
With a four-day holiday on it's way, we are looking forward to starting a new Thanksgiving tradition with the westy.
So, until next time...